Watching the interview with Weiner on the front page I thought "I want him on my TV every day to counter the lies of Fox and the MSM." He can hold his own, has all the facts at his command, is not a flame thrower but can be destroy lies.
I was all in favor of the "dems should not go on Fox" idea a few years ago. Maybe my memory is short. But even though only 2 million ppl watch Fox, it seems to be controlling the new cycle (see today's line up for the Sunday talking heads show).
Tell Weiner he needs to appear once a week on Fox and once a week on another program. Find a few more like him. Not flame throwers, but ppl who have the facts and don't back down.
How else do we "sell our argument" and get the facts back before the American ppl. Or are they just not interested in the facts?