this is the sort of scenario that sparks massive unrest in a nation.
the conditions vary by historical circumstance - for example - the French Revolution had a large group of educated people who were not part of the aristocracy who were denied positions because they were not included in the elite (the self-selected group that defined themselves as somehow more worthy - tho, as is shown over and over, this designation is a fantasy they continue to create to justify their greed because of the accident of birth into a family with property and assets.)
the peasants were expected to bear the costs of the financial decisions of the aristocrats and royals that put unsustainable burdens on the state. In the case of France at the time - one of those burdens was helping to finance the revolution in the soon-to-be United States in order to undermine the avowed enemy of France: Great Britain. Another was the assumed right of aristocrats to use the wealth of the nation for their own comfort.
What the aristocrats, the royalty and the clergy who pretended the arrogance of the elite was justified got were mass executions - it didn't matter if someone was guilty or innocent - what mattered was that they had been part of the group that unjustly benefited from bad policy. The aristocracy and clergy were destroyed, their wealth confiscated and revolution was exported around the western world.
Napoleon emerged among the educated who wanted their place at the table after the Jacobins (lawyers who also wanted their place) engaged in mass executions to make room for someone other than the elite 5% of the population. France engaged in wars that murdered millions of their own and of other nations and continued the fight among the monarchists and republicans far into the next century...and into the next one.
This is just one example from history, but there are scores of other examples that show this same trajectory. When the elite become so arrogant (this arrogance now is best exemplified in the U.S. by the rantings of Limbaugh, who claims covering a pre-existing illness is unfair to the insurance cos) the population eventually turns against them in such numbers and such force that innocent and guilty alike are destroyed. Sometimes the elite use the cover of nationalism to justify their continued abuses. This is what is happening in the U.S. now.
In Germany this moment came when the Prussian aristocrats, the Hessians - and the romanticized agrarians insisted on their right to wage war to undermine their avowed enemy: France. With new technologies, soldiers in trenches found their lives were spared and went on to live without legs or half their faces - or any veterans benefits to help them survive. Some of the most heart-wrenching images of the post WWI era are of mutilated soldiers begging on the streets. (This also reminds me of the Republican arrogance toward veterans and a continued insistence on cutting benefits for those who sacrifice their lives, even when they live, oftentimes, for the profits of one "landed" corporation or another.)
The landed class viewed themselves as an aristocracy above the messy modernization of the early 20th c., with all the financial burdens placed upon the small shopkeepers and the urban working poor. The nation created a scapegoat in the "other" - the Jewish population that succeeded in spite of the prejudices against them, the Jewish intelligentsia who supported the new political philosophy arguing for the fall of aristocratic "capitalism" (these two were not the same group, tho both suffered) and their non-Jewish comrades who came to view socialism as the antidote to a tone-deaf, entitled aristocracy.
People were afraid of the changes they saw - the loss of a patriarchal morality, the attempt to create a democracy among contentious factions, the loss of power as Germany had to punitively pay for their war mongering, the financial maneuvers to inflate currency to cover war reparations, the militarism that rearmed in spite of treaties...
and the nation fractured into those who saw socialism or, more radically, communism, as the way out of the current mess and those who embraced nationalism as a way to restore their pride in a dying empire. There was a reason Hitler appealed to the Germans to restore Charlemagne's empire and overturn the medieval Treaty of Verdun: the appeal was to a restoration of mythical Germany and an assault on their avowed WWI enemy: France.
...and the "revolution" they got was fascism.
Millions were slaughtered. But, after both innocent and guilty alike were destroyed, the socialists won. At a great cost to the entire world.
Germany joined the rest of the world only after other nations forced them to accept their position as one of a host of nations, not the empire they felt they deserved to be.
In France, the socialists also won, after more than a century of political coups and counter coups. The socialists were the group that formed the resistance to fascism in France. Their refusal to accept fascism, unlike the government that was willing to compromise, made them the heirs of post-war France. They, too, had to accept their position as one of a host of nations, not the empire they felt they deserved to be. This was the end of their empire too, tho they maintained certain pretensions in outposts... like Vietnam and Algiers.
In the U.S., FDR tried to find a third way to mitigate the damage done by the captains of industry. The U.S. was a fledgling empire, outside of its genocide of the people who populated this nation before the states were formed - no small horror, but contained within its borders. The U.S. had made its incursions into the Philippines and Latin America, as General Smedley Butler noted, to make them safe for United Fruit or other corporate entities. The U.S. had already had its internal battles with labor and the foot soldiers of WWI. But the U.S. had not yet viewed itself as the one-true religion that must impose its belief on the entire world - because it did not yet have an adversary that the capitalists viewed as a threat to their hegemony. Fascism made communism an ideology to contend with because the communists defeated the fascists on the eastern front.
FDR recognized the truth in the canard that change arrives by evolution or revolution and hoped to evolve American society to avoid the mass suffering of revolution. But he had his enemies too, the same sort of people (and same families, in many cases) who, today, think that they are more worthy than the American public, that they deserve to be bailed out for treating the American economy as a casino, that they and only they deserve to be free from paying a reasonable share of taxes to sustain a decent and humane society. They will not choose to change. They must be forced to change - either through evolutionary legislation or through violent means. This is the case again and again in history.
They plotted to overthrow FDR. He refused to hold them publicly responsible for this crime and, unfortunately, made it possible for them to continue their war against the American people. They supported and aided fascism. They helped fascism to survive, tho under the radar of most Americans - and relabeled fascism as "anti-communism." They enlisted the help of the American clergy, most notably through people like Billy Graham, to align white middle American religion with fascism and its social equivalent: racism. They incorporated and promoted this clergy (and continue to do so) to support the murder of people around the world who thought it was their right to form their own governments. The capitalists recognized a threat to their divine right in liberation theology and "godless communism."
They resisted and continue to resist every reform to bring the United States into the modern world via evolutionary legislation (like unemployment insurance - something they resisted even into the 1960s, while every other western democracy had instituted such humane and sensible policies beginning with WWI. They continue with health care reform to this day, while every other western democracy views health care as a human right for its citizens.) They pretend their stances contain morality, when in fact they are immoral justifications to continue policies that maintain a wealthy elite at the expense of the entire nation. They resisted rights for blacks, for women, for homosexuals, for other religious groups -- and continue to do so to this day.
Democrats attempted to co-opt some of their positions - to create a "third way" to attain power. The response to this capitulation was continued attacks on any attempt at evolutionary reform - in health care, in human rights - and a continued insistence that an aristocracy of capital was divine, was anointed by god and thus impervious to any attempt to reform their abuses. The incorporated clergy continues to vow this is true, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
This is why the fascist clergy can use meth and have sex with rent boys and claim they are not homosexuals. This is why the Catholic church hierarchy can harbor pedophiles and claim they are more moral women who want to administer sacraments or homosexual adults who simply want to be recognized as families. The fascist oligarchy approves of this hypocrisy because the co-opted clergy preaches a gospel of hatred for the poor, the sick and the disenfranchised by refusing to acknowledge the solution to problems lies with policies that work to educate, enfranchise and elevate. The clergy gets its kickbacks through policies that funnel money to them to promote their beliefs at the expense of the nation and its constitution. They make it possible for both groups to deny the reality of their positions as outright lies by a convoluted moral framework that claims the rich suffer while the poor abuse them. The comparison to the clergy in aristocratic France is easily made because it is the same collusion.
Too many democrats in power continue to pretend that it is possible to work with these fascists - because they have been incorporated into the power structure and benefit from such a belief, even at the expense of the working people of this nation. They pretend this is the only way to get anything done - even when what they get done is not enough. They refuse to take their time in power to create legislation that, ironically, protects the aristocrats from their own abuse by creating a more stable, egalitarian society. While the clergy in the south remain the mouthpiece for fascism, when Southern Democrats win, they have to use their window of power to change policies, not to seek re-election. As the mid-west declines while the aristocrats continue to seek cheap labor overseas to benefit a small minority of the population, when the Democrats win seats in this part of the nation, they must fight for those who are now economically disenfranchised who once built this nation.
This is the reality of the dangerous time in which we live.
We're back to two groups - the nationalist working poor, who send their children off to fight wars for empire and listen to the religious fictions of a corrupt and co-opted clergy, and the socialists (who may not recognize themselves as such) who want this nation to evolve, to take its place as one among many, without the hyper-militarism that maintains the fiction that we are keeping the world safe for anything other than Halliburton's profits.
The world is changing. The east is taking its place (again) in the cycle of in history as an economic power. We can respond rationally or we can continue to pretend that the divine right of capital makes the aristocratic pretensions of a few justification for the suffering of the many.