First off, let me give credit to this thread for inspiring my post:, the question talked about how loyal Senators should be. Yes, Senators should be loyal to the people that voted for them, however, there is one big problem that needs to be addressed. In the case of the Blue Dig senators, especially from the South, the main way they get elected is by promising to block Obama's agenda. They get away with this because their opponent on the right is some shambling mess to the right of Sarah Palin. Of course, some say "they need to back the liberal agenda", but when they do, their voters slam them. Worse, when they do things firmly to the right, they get rewardrded, and sadly many of those same "democrats" support them.
Want an example, ok, take Mary Landrieu. She blatantly holds up an appointment for Obama because she wanted those Oil drilling rigs on pronto, Gulf be damned. Sure enough, when DU complained about that, out came the Landrieu supporters that said this was all about jobs, and how DARE we take on Mary when she is the only democrat that can win there. Yes, they had a point, but it also meant that efforts to enforce anything against BP were hamstrung, regardless of the fact that people in the rest of the Gulf (especially Florida) were not happy about having to get oiled on. I can tell you that it did influence the election, as some people felt that if they were going to get oil spills, they might as well have those "good paying jobs" (barf, sarcasm)
I know a meme that has floated around here is that the Blue Dogs got their butt kicked, the prgressive stayed. Well, that might work for the House, but sadly, the Senate has not changed much. Indeed, many Senate Blue Dogs are frankly happy, because now they can act like they have to compromise (barf) and that they are more important being that they are the few liberal votes left (barf barf barf).
So, here is an ugly truth, what do we do to these Blue Dogs in the senate. Do we call their bluff, and risk handing the senate to the GOP, or do we try to work with them. Honestly, I see where it could go either way, as one of the hand, these Blue Dogs did more actual damage to reform than the GOP did, on the other, the prospect of the Tea party being a legitimate force scares the crap out of me, and I say this in Florida, where the Tea party scored a home run thanks to a Blue Dog named Charlie Crist, and another named Alex Sink.