I thought I'd share here for anyone here to use and also for improvement. I called Mr. Boehner's office on Friday and essentially followed this script for the responses I got (albeit without the article reference). I was hung up on before I got to my final statement. I plan on calling every single day. I will continue to update my script to reflect the responses I get from his office. I urge anyone else to call as well and let me know if you get a response from an aide that is not on here so I can update for those responses.
Me: Hello my name is ______ and I’m calling today from South Carolina, one of the many states that helped place the Republican party as the majority in the house and Mr. Boehner as speaker. I’ve been unemployed or underemployed since May of 2008, and after hearing the campaign promises from the Republican candidates and the party members, I’d like to know the specifics of Mr. Boehner’s plan to provide myself and millions of other Americans with the jobs that he criticized President Obama for not creating.
We are working on that. a. I’m sorry but that doesn’t answer my question. The Republicans campaigned on asking “where’s our jobs” and criticizing the President for his efforts to improve the current economy. Surely Mr. Boehner wouldn’t be so naïve as to not have a specific plan in mind as he takes on such an important role of leadership, especially after suggesting for the past 2 years that the previous leadership didn’t have a plan. So again, I’d like to know the specifics of Mr. Boehner’s plan to provide me and others like me with viable job opportunities suited for my education.
The plan is listed on (website). a. I’m sorry but I did not see specifics listed, could you reiterate what exactly Mr. Boehner’s plan is to provide me and others like me with viable job opportunities suited for my education?
Mr. Boehner does not take over as speaker until January. a. I’m sorry but that does not answer my question. The Republicans campaigned on asking “where’s our jobs” and criticizing the President for his efforts to improve the current economy. Surely Mr. Boehner wouldn’t be so naïve as to not have a specific plan in mind as he takes on such an important role of leadership, especially after suggesting for the past 2 years that the previous leadership didn’t have a plan. So again, I’d like to know the specifics of Mr. Boehner’s plan to provide me and others like me with viable job opportunities suited for my education.
Mr. Boehner has only been speaker for X days/weeks/months… a. According to a LA Times article dated January 26, 2009 (
http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/26/nation/na-stimulus26), only 6 days after being sworn in, Mr. Boehner criticized President Obama’s ability to create jobs and stimulate the economy. Mr. Boehner said of President Obama’s plans were “a lot of wasteful Washington spending, padding the bureaucracy and doing nothing to help create jobs and preserve jobs." Surely, to avoid similar criticism and avoid looking like a hypocrite, Mr. Boehner has a plan in place to provide me and others like me with immediate viable job opportunities suited for my education. Could you please provide me with specifics to that plan?
*Expect to repeat yourself and continue to repeat the same question. Don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked by their comments. Stay polite, but firm and continue to demand an answer to a single question. Continue to repeat the question for as long as they will allow you to and only use the closing response when they have initiated a CLEAR goodbye.(in my first attempt, they hung up on me)*
Me: I thank you for your time, but it is clear to me from your lack of a specific plan that Mr. Boehner and the Republican party has deceived the American voters and I will be sharing the recording of this conversation and writing to my local paper to educate others of the result of my call. Have a nice day.
Contact Information for John Boehner
In addition to the Washington, D.C. office, Congressman Boehner has two 8th District offices easily located for constituents in Butler County and Miami County. You may contact us via phone, e-mail or fax. Due to security procedures, mail sent through the Post Office could take up to 3 weeks to arrive in the Washington, D.C. office.
Butler County Office
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road
Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069
(513) 779-5400
(513) 779-5315 fax
Miami County Office
12 South Plum Street
Troy, OH 45373
(937) 339-1524
(937) 339-1878 fax
Washington, D.C. Office
1011 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6205
(202) 225-0704 fax
Toll-free number
Residents of the 8th District of Ohio may use the toll-free number: (800) 582-1001