I think I realized why the first one sounds like an appropriate label, and the second one doesn't. :think:
R E P U B L I C A N I S M.
"I... S... M..." stands for "ignorant, stupid and mean."
Dems should just stick with "DemocratiC," because Democrats in government aren't ignorant, stupid or mean. They're just "cowardly."
Right-wing fuckwad Bernie Goldberg, a while back, had a book called Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right. I think his diagnosis of America's problems was precisely the opposite of what they really are.
Republicans and tea-party people are lunatics that want to bring back poll taxes and segregation and massive poverty and hate and political violence.
And Democrats are too timid to stand up and say no fucking way.
There are lunatics to my right, and wimps to the left.
And quite predictably, the wimps are getting their clocks cleaned by the bullying lunatics.