The Tea Party and other conservatives keep saying that we must cut spending on government programs to balance the budget. Their plan doesn't add up. The deficit is more than $1 trillion, yet they seem to think they can cut that amount in spending.
They act like they can do this and not touch Medicare or Social Security. They certainly won't cut the $844 billion spent in the budget on military and security. That leaves only $553 billion spent on government programs left to cut. Let's not forget that Republicans want to extend the Bush tax cuts geared toward the wealthy, which only will increase the deficit.
Clearly, conservatives either will ignore the deficit in favor of helping millionaires or they'll attack Social Security and Medicare so they can extend tax cuts to the richest citizens. It's not just paranoia: Many Republican candidates endorsed privatizing Veterans Affairs. They call Social Security and Medicare "big government" or socialism and look at these programs with disdain while scaring senior citizens and disabled people with fears of death panels.