Was the U.S. Navy Veterans Association, which operated as a tax-exempt charity from a Tampa duplex, really a front that siphoned cash donated by the public and pumped it into the campaigns of politicians?
The evidence compiled by investigators fanning out across the country in search of the Navy Vets' fugitive founder, "Commander Bobby Thompson,'' suggests the answer is yes.
In Ohio, the Attorney General's Office has uncovered a series of money orders sent to political campaigns from individuals who don't exist. The contributions, to the campaigns of presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani and Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, list phony donors with addresses that turned out to be mailboxes rented by the Navy Veterans group.
http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/national/article1132957.eceVery interesting read. It doesn't just end with Giuliani and McCollum either. Oh no. Also mentioned are W, Michele Bachmann...well, you'll see.
Also, sorry if this has already been posted. I did do a DU search for it but didn't find anything.