from Emptywheel's site (bmaz)
Letter to DOJ and John Durham Re: Torture Tape Crimes Expiring
By: bmaz Thursday November 4, 2010 5:20 pm
As you may know, in early November of 2005, agents of the United States government destroyed at least ninety two videotapes containing direct evidence of the interrogation and, upon admission and belief, torture of Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (see: here, here, here, here and here). The statute of limitations, for the criminal destruction of said taped evidence in the cases of Abu Zubaydah and al-Nashiri will expire on Sunday November 7 (since the last day falls on a weekend, the statute should maintain through the next business day, which is Monday November 8). As we have heard absolutely nothing from Eric Holder, John Durham, the DOJ or the Obama Administration in relation to indictments or other results of the investigation Mr. Durham has been conducting since January 8, 2008, nearly three years, I thought a letter was in order asking just exactly what their status was. Said letter was addressed to Dean Boyd and Tracy Schmaler, official representatives and spokesmen for the Department of Justice, and reads as follows:
(Letter at the link) excellent (related) article by bmaz a while back, as relavent as ever:
04-309: Death from Torture »
On The Rule Of Law And Crimes Of TortureBy: bmaz Monday June 29, 2009 12:39 pm
We are finally beginning to learn the full scope of the Bush administration’s torture program. Government documents show that hundreds of prisoners were tortured in the custody of the CIA and Department of Defense, some of them killed in the course of interrogations. Justice Department memos show that the torture policies were devised and developed at the highest levels of the Bush administration.The facts are incontrovertible, the United States instituted a designed and dedicated regime of brutal torture in contravention of national and international norms. The American Executive branch under George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney created a bureaucracy of lawyers, doctors, soldiers and spies to build and execute the regime that led to detainees being waterboarded serially 183 times in one month, a crime the US has historically prosecuted as a war crime in conflict situations and as a domestic crime at home. Others we have tortured and then left to die:see