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Can you name any young Democrats who are being groomed to take political leadership? Our fleet

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
mfcorey1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 01:04 AM
Original message
Can you name any young Democrats who are being groomed to take political leadership? Our fleet
is aging and it bothers me that few seem to be mentoring or grooming a new set of politicians to carry on liberal views. Most Congressmen keep relatives close to them. We need a new crop of leaders to be prepared to step to the plate. It seems that those on the right have a jump start in that arena. Please name some we have who can jump on the scene like Barack Obama did.
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girl_interrupted Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 01:48 AM
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1. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) New York
She is not only young, and beautiful, but she is also brilliant. And while Republicans push dimwits like Palin & Bachmann because of their looks, Kirsten has more degrees than these 2 have brain cells. At Dartmouth College, she majored in Asian studies and graduated magna cum laude in 1988. While in college, Gillibrand studied abroad in both Beijing, China and Taiwan. She is semi-fluent but "rusty" in Mandarin Chinese. She received her Juris Doctor degree from the UCLA School of Law in 1991. Gillibrand's maternal grandmother, Dorothea "Polly" Noonan, was a women's rights activist who was a leader of the Albany Democratic machine.

She was recently featured in an article in Vogue, that is really worth reading: "What makes her rise all the more remarkable is that during an election cycle when seemingly every Democrat is in potential trouble, Gillibrand was enjoying a double-digit lead in the polls at press time—her cruise to victory is so taken for granted that The New York Times barely covers her race. “It’s not an accident that this election isn’t that tough for her,” says Schumer. Or as Weiner puts it, “She went through her first several months in office without the benefit of a big electoral win. I think she’s going to finally have it in November. And then she’s off to the races.”

“People underestimate how smart Senator Gillibrand is. I hosted a dinner for her to meet a number of CEOs and media figures, and in conversation she was brilliant in her analysis of the economic meltdown. And she is an amazing fund-raiser . . . an unstoppable machine when she works the room.”

On the Issues:
Good-Paying Jobs in New York

Creating jobs is Kirsten's No. 1 priority.

Providing Health Care to 30 Million More Americans, Lowering Costs For Everyone

Kirsten is proud to have been a part of passing historic comprehensive health insurance reform.

Openness and Transparency

Unfortunately, far too often the business of government is done behind closed doors, blocked from the public eye and the scrutiny of the media.

Marriage Equality

As a New York progressive, Kirsten strongly believes in equal rights for all.

Healthy Children

As a mother of two, Kirsten is passionate about improving the health of all children.
Quality Public Schools

Like every parent, Kirsten wants her children to have access to quality schools, well-paid and well-equipped teachers, and a curriculum that prepares students for future challenges.

Combating Global Climate Change

Kirsten is following in the footsteps of great New York senators like Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who also served on the important Senate Environment & Public Works Committee.

Delivering for Veterans

When Kirsten ran for Congress, she was strong and outspoken in her opposition to the war in Iraq.

Reducing Gun Violence

As a mother of two young boys, Kirsten is concerned by the thought of armed criminals on the street.

Opportunities for Immigrants

Immigration reform will not be easy, but it is essential that our country recognize the important role all immigrants play in our economic prosperity.

Always Protecting A Woman's Right To Choose

Kirsten is committed to always protecting a woman's right to choose

Reform Agenda To Clean Up Washington

Kirsten has not been in Washington long but she's been there long enough to know that it's broken and needs to be fixed.

Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Kirsten firmly opposes all efforts to privatize Social Security and is working on new proposals to ensure the solvency of Social Security for the next generation without raising the retirement age or affecting benefit levels for current recipients.

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the redcoat Donating Member (510 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 01:54 AM
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2. Grayson is only 52 nt
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bhcodem Donating Member (110 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 11:12 PM
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3. Iowa's own...
Bruce Braley!
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