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Hedge Funders, Wealthy Sent Secret Campaign Cash to Derail Wall Street Regs

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 07:35 AM
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Hedge Funders, Wealthy Sent Secret Campaign Cash to Derail Wall Street Regs

by Mike Hall, Nov 5, 2010

Several links in story work at the link above.

We’re starting to find out where some of the tens of million of dollars in secret corporate campaign cash came from and what the donors were after . No surprise—Wall Street hedge fund managers, who teamed up with extremist groups run by Karl Rove and others, according a new report from NBC News.

A tightly coordinated effort by outside Republican groups, spearheaded by Karl Rove and fueled by tens of millions of dollars in contributions from Wall Street hedge fund moguls and other wealthy donors, helped secure big GOP midterm victories Tuesday, according to campaign spending figures and Republican fundraising insiders.

The two biggest spending groups behind the barrage of attack ads and mailings against Democrats were both founded by Rove and former George W. Bush White House insider Ed Gillespie—American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS. Combined reports NBC, they spent $38 million.

A substantial portion of Crossroads GPS’ money came from a small circle of extremely wealthy Wall Street hedge fund and private equity moguls, according to GOP fundraising sources who spoke with NBC News on condition of anonymity. These donors have been bitterly opposed to a proposal by congressional Democrats — and endorsed by the Obama administration — to increase the tax rates on compensation that hedge funds pay their partners, the sources said.

Read more here.

The day after the election, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and American Crossroads chairman Mike Duncan, squared off in a post-election debate. Click here

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Tippy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 07:58 AM
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1. K&R...Blood Suckers......Is there a special place in hell?
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 08:23 AM
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2. Yes, and It's Expanding
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deminks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 08:41 AM
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3. But, but, but, but i thought they were gonna create JOBS
that would trickle down their legs with all their money, not buy their way out of regulations. Boy, was I fooled. /sarcasm off.

Where are the jobs, Boehner?
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Frustratedlady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 09:25 AM
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4. Another good reason to do something about those bonuses.
They have no conscience if they can take those bonuses when their victims are suffering so. Many should probably be in jail. That would have cut down on a lot of these donations.
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