Following the election there have been panel after panel on C-Span analyzing the Election Results.
ONE Republican Strategy for 2012 has emerged and this has been repeated on many talk shows since.
The discussion goes something like this. In 2012 there are 23 Democrats up for re-election(Senate) and not half as many Republicans are up for re-election. These Democrats will have burned in their memory what happened in this election. Therefore the Republicans can target these Senators now promising them not to give them a hard challenge in 2012 no outside group ads against them, no RNC ads against them. In other words vote with us on legislation this seession and your seat is protected in 2012, This goes on all the time. Now, they are admitting it in public. The Republicans believe they can get enough Democrats that they effectively become the working majority.
And people wonder why the Liberal/Progressive Wing has not exactly been thrilled with Conservadems.
This puts the Centrist and Conservadems in a conundrum. There were Conservadems this time who were not challenged or targeted by Republicans. Theoretically, they should be back in Congress--even Fred Barnes said this. The Problem is their Behavior. Their base did not come out for them. These were Democrats who voted against Cap and Trade,Health Care. What cooked thme done. They trashed Obama, the party Pelosi and Reid. If they are going to play footsie with Republicans, better find a way to campaign that does not anger the base.