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George W. Bush vs. Justin Bieber -- can you pick the author of the memoir?

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Bravo Zulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 03:14 PM
Original message
George W. Bush vs. Justin Bieber -- can you pick the author of the memoir?
This year, no autobiography has been more eagerly anticipated than this one, the tale of someone plucked from comparative obscurity and suddenly thrust onto the world stage.

You know what I'm talking about -- Decision Points, the George W. Bush memoir First Step 2 Forever, the Justin Bieber autobiography.

Aside from the superficial similarities -- both are the most highly awaited books by authors who prompt the response, "He wrote a book?"; both were written by male individuals with last names that begin with B; both had authors who were alive for much of the 1990s -- the two works share deep, fundamental concerns about making mistakes, being competent to drive, and growing up in a family with other human beings.

Don't believe me? Before this week's Matt Lauer interview, if someone had told you that one of these two people was still deeply upset at Kanye, would you have picked Bush? The whole book is full of revelations like that.

Think you can prove me wrong? Try the quiz, after the jump!

Can you match the quote to the author? Be warned, it's harder than it looks.

1. "I was almost thirteen and still waiting for a growth spurt. If people knew me at all, they knew me as an athlete."
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

2. "I was not much of a cat person, but I knew our relationship was solid when I bonded with her black-and-white shorthair, Dewey, named for the decimal system."
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

3. "Hey, Pops!" LeBron James called out when Dad entered the room.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

4. "If I can do just one-tenth of the good Michael Jackson did for others, I can really make a difference in this world."
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

I like when people ask me about my religion. (Because I love God, and I don't want to miss an opportunity to share that.)
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

6. You probably knew I was joking, but not everybody does. Here's a clue, just for future reference. If you have to ask me if I'm being serious, I'm not. In fact, you seldom get a straight answer around here.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

7. I poured vodka in the fishbowl and killed my little sister Doro's goldfish.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

8. She took me to the nearest orthodontist in Big Spring and tried to teach me French in the car. I can still picture us riding through the desert with me repeating, "Ferme la bouche…ouvre la fenetre." If only Jacques Chirac could have seen me then.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

9. Mistakes happen all the time. But that's life.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

10. I believe I got some of those decisions right, and I got some wrong.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

11. I had never seen so many spoons, forks, and knives, all neatly lined up. A woman dressed in black with a white apron served me a weird-looking red soup with a white blob in the middle. I took a little taste. It was terrible.
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

12. I really like…
George W. Bush
Justin Bieber

This is a non-scientific user poll. Results are not statistically valid and cannot be assumed to reflect the views of Washington Post users as a group or the general population.
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Lucian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 03:21 PM
Response to Original message
1. 5 out of 12.
Holy crap that was harder than my exam on the Archaic and Early to Middle Woodland periods of the Upper Midwest.
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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 03:26 PM
Response to Original message
2. well, though equally superficial and ignorant on important issues,
Bieber clearly knows his celebrity superficial trivia in a way GWB never would. Does that make him smarter? Geebus, the two are equally paired, IMO.
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Bravo Zulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 03:36 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. "equally superficial and ignorant"
The word "IGNORANT" really fits bu$h!
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