What Deficit Commission ideas do you like best? Capping revenue? Bringing the top tax rate down to 23%? Dropping the corporate tax rate to 26%? Cuts in SS and Medicare? I particularly enjoy the idea that we can assume health care spending growth of 1% of GDP--no one can gin up fraud like a technocrat. Of course co-pays for the VA would make perfect sense to this commission--those freeloaders have it way too easy. But that's just me, I wonder what you all think.
From Brad DeLong:
Yes, the Entitlement Commission Was an Unforced Error by the Obama AdministrationAt the time I asked why you would take a budget arsonist like Alan Simpson and give him a Fire Chief hat. I never got a good answer.
Now they are throwing people out of their press conference:
----Catfood Commission Presser: Update: Alex Lawson was thrown out of the press conference because he’s not “press”...
Yes, a hideous unforced error:
Commission Co-Chair Proposal:
----Cap revenue at or below 21% of GDP...
It probably means nothing--it all depends on what "revenue" means. But if it means something it is going to be a disaster as health care costs rise. You cannot implement PPACA's health-insurance exchanges without a subsidy pool. And if the money to pay for that subsidy pool has to fit under a 21% of GDP revenue cap, it simply does not work.
----(P)rojections assume health care spending growth is kept to GDP+1%...
Oh my God! Ration city, here we come!
What clowns vetted this thing?
----A 23% top marginal tax rate?
Hoo boy!
What possible benefit can this Commission have for the party, the president or the average citizen? What do we gain? It's a platform, needlessly created, for austerity hawks, giving prominence and bipartian serious-person blessings to their recommendations, which they would not have had otherwise.