Add a robust public option and/or all-payer system in the exchange
Of course, this is a triggered option, which begs the question: if the cochairs really think this would save money, why wait?
Also, be aware that a lot of the stuff that's being posted simply isn't true, or is only one of several proposals. Also, some of the most outrageous stuff, such as stealing from Social Security (mainly from people who are currently young, BTW), and the capping of federal income are true. The defense cuts are a joke. The special minimum benefit for low-wage workers could be progressive, if we actually had details. Reinstating college benefits for child survivors would be good. Imposing social security taxes on employer-sponsored health care plans is in there: this is pretty bad. And there are tax cuts for the rich and corporations that are simply inexcusable and make a bad joke out of the whole project.
For something that is supposed to be the result of a long conspiracy against the American people, this looks as cobbled together as an essay written by a college freshman the morning it is due after a big frat party. Also, folks are claiming that the commission is rigged, but if that's the case, why have the cochairs had to poop out this "proposal," which was apparently only done because the commission itself could not reach consensus?
And if the commission itself, which is loaded up with white rural republicans, cannot reach a consensus on what is, overall, a pretty regressive package, why would the lame duck Democratic-controlled Congress pass this?
Anyway, read the damn thing before you freak out about it. Because you probably will.