Here's the rub. This country isn't just broke, it's massively in debt. Right now defecit spending is what's keeping a lot of the lights on, but it's going to reach a point where no more money can be borrowed to cover up shortfalls and the declining revenues meaning less taxes will strain things further. So then what?
While I'd love to see our troops home and the Defense budget cut in half or more (end the corporate welfare gravy train), chances of getting the votes, even with a Democratic House, is next to impossible. Even the cuts the Cat Food commissioners are proposing are DOA. As we see here, any discussion of touching SSI or Medicare are also political dynamite...even for rushpublicans. Same goes for the home-owners deduction.
So what gets cut to make enough of a dent in the defecit? Thanks to the drunken sailor spending of boooosh, these choices have to be made if this government and economy are to remain solvent. But I doubt we'll see much cut...too many sacred bulls to gore.