Edited on Thu Nov-11-10 01:01 PM by RandomThoughts
Using a label does not show anything, except use of a loaded macro to smear.
It is best to discuss what ideas or ideals you disagree with and be able to explain why. Using such a label is invoking a loaded macro.
However I do agree there are spirits everywhere, and people need to discern what is good and what is bad, that is as important as anything. Many good people get led astray. The bad side uses distortions to make everything look like something else. Hence why its best to stay on topics of ideals and not attach them to groups, in my view.
Then again some people think drinking is evil LOL, because it causes some problems for some people, and was put in some religious writings to make social rules easier for a society, security over freedom. Taking away some right from some person without a problem because someone else has a problem with it. That is a social concept for social rule, not a spiritual concept.