I just received this email from "Free Speech for People" and would like to pass it on here.......
The takeover of the House in last week’s election showed us just how big a deal it is that corporations can now spend limitless money on election campaigns, as if they had the same rights as people.
Less than a year ago, the Supreme Court said corporations have those rights. The ruling was horribly wrong, but a lot of people missed the story.
Well, now everyone can see how wrong it is.
It’s time to take action. Today we’re renewing our call for a Constitutional amendment, to make it clear that Free Speech and other Constitutional rights are for people, not corporations.
Sign on now to help take back our democracy.
We’re already seeing a huge response to our online campaign -- our list of active supporters has grown by more than one-third, just since last week, thanks to our friends at Credo.
People everywhere are deeply opposed to corporations having the same rights as people. A staggering 80% of Americans polled have voiced their opposition to the court decision that said corporations have a “free speech” right to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections -- and that includes 76% of Republicans, as well as 81% of independents and 85% of Democrats.<1>
In the wake of last week’s election, there’s also been an outpouring of criticism from newspapers all over the country: Idaho, Kentucky, West Virginia, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, and of course New York and California papers have all run editorials decrying the influence of unrestrained corporate spending on our democracy.<2>
Now’s our moment to do something about it. With today’s action, we’re raising our commitment to fight for a Constitutional amendment to a new level. We know it will take a lot of work to win a Constitutional amendment, and starting today, we’re going to do whatever it takes to get there. We’re going to need your help.
The first step is signing on; the second is to get your friends to sign on too. Just click the link below:
Sign on here to join our call for a Constitutional amendment:
http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/7003/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4677The corporate big shots on Wall Street and their friends in Washington are betting that Americans will just buckle under and submit to their latest power grab. We have to prove them wrong.
Sign on today.
Thanks for your help.
- John
John Bonifaz
Free Speech for People
November 11, 2010