The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare just put up a new letter in their legislative action center demanding the Fiscal Commission Back the F*** off of SS and Medicare cuts:
"National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform:
You’ve got to be kidding me. I just read your report on reducing our nation’s deficit and you must be be living in a different America than I am if you think the middle class can take another hit. Our homes lost their value in the housing market collapse, our 401(k)s were destroyed by Wall Street excesses, our families and neighbors are dealing with chronic unemployment with no end in sight, and now you want to cut our Social Security and Medicare?
I agree our nation’s debt and deficit are serious issues that should be addressed, but punishing those who can afford it the least is not what most Americans had in mind. Raising the retirement age, reducing Social Security benefits, cutting the COLA and forcing seniors to share an even larger burden of medical costs in Medicare will destroy the safety net that has literally saved me during this economic collapse. While you may not need these programs, the millions of hard-working Americans who’ve paid into the system for a lifetime do. You can't balance the budget or erase our federal debt on the backs of the nation's elderly, disabled and their families, and shame on you for even trying."
Send the letter here: Thanks!