I received the petition this morning...
Dear XXX,
Take a deep breath. The Huffington Post and CNN reported this morning that President Obama is ready to cave again to Republicans -- this time on the Bush tax cuts he campaigned against in 2008.
As Republicans boast that their #1 priority is to defeat Obama in 2012, we've seen nothing but capitulation and talk of "compromise" from the President since Election Day.
It's time for us to ask: President Obama, ARE YOU KIDDING? Fight the Republicans already!
Sign our petition telling President Obama that Americans want him to fight the Bush tax cuts for millionaires -- and that Democrats will keep losing if he keeps caving. Click here.
I'll be on MSNBC's Ed Show tonight at 6:15pm EST -- and will announce the progress of our petition. The White House and Democratic leaders will be watching. So please sign now.
Make no mistake, this petition is a rallying cry.
Our days of "trusting" that Democratic leaders have some brilliant plan are over. We saw the results last Tuesday when many Obama voters were not inspired enough to return to the polls.
Progressives need to push Democratic leaders to fight for popular progressive change -- and win.
Sign the petition telling Obama to fight the Bush tax cuts here -- then, pass this to as many progressive friends as you can think of.
http://act.boldprogressives.org/sign/petition_obamafight/?akid=2702.410935.k2VUH9&rd=1&source=e1-old-6mo-fin&t=3Working together, we'll push and push Democratic leaders until they finally fight for "change we can believe in."
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Forrest Brown, Michael Snook, and the PCCC team