1. A vibrant, fully public system that offers equal access to high quality education for all is essential to a democratic republic. It's also essential to achieving economic and social justice.
2. Conservative, neoliberal, and religious factions have wanted to destroy public education for decades. Public education is a threat to those whose agenda depends on passive, obedient, non-thinking, easily deluded masses. It also puts a kink in the need for a large cheap labor pool and a large pool of cannon fodder.
3. The efforts to bring down public education have, over the last several decades, included: Underfunding. Understaffing. Overcrowding. A wide-spread and successful propaganda campaign against public education, public schools, and public educators. Organized and persistent efforts to privatize. Legislation and policies enacted that deliberately set public schools up to fail, lending faux legitimacy to privatization efforts.
4. Those efforts have left public schools and educators demoralized and unsupported in their efforts, the scapegoats of the nations willingness to place blame rather than take responsibility for the real causes of educational dysfunction.
5. Those real causes include: under-funding, under-staffing, over-crowding, and authoritarian standardization of public education; the determination to treat schools like a business instead of a social service and like factories instead of communities; the economic and social dysfunctions rampant in our nation; the inequality of funding and other resources; the determined efforts to downgrade educators from professionals to assembly line workers; the disdain for, and non-support for, public services in general, including education and other public services that are inter-connected; the meddling of outside, private, corporate interests using their $$$ and power to influence policy; politician's willingness to embrace harmful policy while calling that policy something positive, and convincing the public that it IS positive, despite evidence to the contrary.
The bottom line at this point is that it's currently politically convenient and popular to attack public education, punish the system and the educators, and "fix" it by privatizing.
For more about those issues: