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Save 20% on our new premiumjean.
Enter Coupon Code: AAREV during checkout!
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we will give you 15% off any
future order for ANY product!
Offer expires 11/15/10 - Not valid with other offers - Offers apply to regular retail orders ONLY
All the Best to You and Yours,
The Nickol Family
All American Clothing Co. is Traceability
Traceability is all about the truth of where your jeans come from and offers some recognition for the hard working Americans who are involved in making your jeans. We are the first jean company in the world that can trace your jean all the way back to the American farmers who grew the cotton that was used in your jean.
Each jean comes with a ‘Certificate of Authenticity’ that includes a traceability number. Enter the traceability number on our website and we will tell you exactly which farmers and mill were involved in producing your jean!
How Does Traceability Work? Click Here to Learn More!