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I see a couple of conspiracies that

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
fadedrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 12:59 AM
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I see a couple of conspiracies that
apparently nobody else sees. There's no law against imagining things, is there? And are you actually going to bother flaming a nut? Of course not.

Somebody in the Obama administration who is advising the president does not want him to win in 2012, not only not win, but not even to run. Who would that leave the field open to, or rather, to whom whould that leave the field open? (damn prepositions)..

Everything he has done is DLC and the man who I so loved who was already walking on water in my mind, or from another planet, he was too good to be true. Yes, he was. I still love him, but now he's just a man, just smarter than most of us and a better speaker than all of us.

But is he being threatened, having needles stuck in his neck (Invaders from Mars) or is his family being threatened?

I just feel that there is so so much we don't know.

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DontTreadOnMe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 01:03 AM
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1. Step away from the bong...
seriously... nobody is pulling Obama's strings. He is blowing it all by himself.
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 01:08 AM
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2. Are you discussing social engineering.
Edited on Fri Nov-12-10 01:30 AM by RandomThoughts
Here is the thing, people are not always involved in that.

However for instance, if you want to hear a theory about where the term 'rock' comes from.

This song tries to claim building that city, and her name is Grace, so if you like labels there is something in their for you also.

We Built This City On Rock & Roll

But not sure they even knew what it might be about, although I do like the singers.

The Rock, and the Rolling Stone, figure it out.

Side note, many took their que from this song.

Alice's restaurant,

that is where many of the Alice's come from. However that comes from Alice in Wonderland, so you can't track back to there either. But many of the Alice's work from that song also included the mad hatter, although many did not know about the rabbit nor the hat. But did have the heart.

And that is also why they got the name tea party from astroturfing. And Wonderland is a story written by royalty about the supernatural.

So what else do you want to know. Its not like I don't know about that stuff.

As far as Clinton, he has done some good, and I pretty sure some want President Obama Presidency to balance the budget, pass health care, while not pissing off money structure like Clinton did. The problem is the consolidated wealth is a rot in the system.

Edit: should note Gulliver's Travels by Jonathon Swift also intersects with Wonderland story. The idea of being small, and being big, is part of the process most go through, in that reality. Why small and big, because once small, rules applied back makes you big, and if big, you become small. Again the bottom moved up, and the top moved down. and small and big can also be the delusion of having power, and the delusion of being imprisoned or controlled.

It is said over and over in many places. Moderation not consolidations so all of society moves up together, not so some step on others to move up.

And it is not said by some conspiracy, but by people of like mind coming to the same conclusions, and many times getting help on concepts from spiritual sources. Although some see it as bad because it challenges their view of reality, for them it is despair, or a nightmare, for some it is a dream. Also said in many places through time.

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fadedrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 01:11 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Will check into your links tomorrow...
got to get to sleep....
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fadedrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 09:53 PM
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4. A lot of my thoughts are going to get me in trouble, sobeit...
I thought about one of Jon's remarks about, I think it was ancestors, and how he felt good about his work because of them?

He hardly ever praises Israel's actions, sometimes he criticizes them. He very often points out that all Muslims are not our enemies, and I give him so much credit for his positions. He is a good Jew and a good man.

I thought about all the cities in the world who marched against the US invading Iraq.

What if, and this is a stretch, we had solid info that Israel was going to bomb Iraq again. As I recall, Saddam was sending money to suicide bombers families and supporting them in so many ways, praising them public ally, etc. He had the ability to send rockets to Israel. If he had succeeded in bombing Israel, we would have had world war with all the Arab countries, Israel would have retaliated, or they might even have delivered the first bomb to destroy the weapons in Saddam's' arsenal. Please forgive spelling am typing too fast and nervously to worry about spelling.

What was the US to do? This is almost like a profile in courage, but they decided to invade Iraq to prevent a world war....this makes Bush/Cheney guilty of making all kinds of reasons for the war, but the real one would have caused problems so they kept Saddam's plan to bomb Israel a secret. Some Arabs countries would have rejoiced and joined in the fray. Not all. The whole mideast could have been destroyed.

Cheney's reason for exposing Valerie Plame was that it blew a cover and he had to make her a mere distraction. Never gave national security a thought because he thought he was protecting HIS version of NS.

So now, Obama is president. Maybe he learned the truth from Bush and saw secret documents affirming my screwy theory, and that's why he hasn't called for war crimes - they both don't want the truth known. This is almost like a UFO cover up, but provable.

I'm sort of nuts, so don't flame me. It would be beneath of you. Remember Jeremiah Johnson - the indians don't bother that old woman because they think she's crazy....

Oh, and during the campaign, our President and Vice President taught me to hate one of them. I came down on the side of the President, and still don't like HRC. Some probably wanted HRC and they still don't much care for the President and hope he doesn't run in 2012 so that she can run...

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