She has shied away from being involved in either party politics or issues groups--until now.
I am writing because I have grave concerns regarding the changes to Social Security and Medicare being proposed by the deficit commission. I am a recipient of Social Security and Medicare and struggle to make it from the first of the month to the end.
I make so little that I require additional assistance from the state to support my child (she’s a beautiful 12-years-old). I receive assistance in my MedAdvantage premiums and prescription costs. Without this my prescription co-pays alone would be over $1,000 per month, except in the gap where they would be nearly $3,000. That’s twice my monthly stipend of $1525 (my portion and my daughter’s portion together). Additionally, we get a little over $300 in food stamps per month—my entire grocery budget for the month. We take part in the Section 8 program which helps us pay our rent or it would be over half my monthly stipend. How many people do you know who could live like this and live successfully without debt? Why make it harder?
I’m not complaining that I don’t get enough Medicare. It’s okay, and I am certainly doing better than when I depended solely on welfare and medicaid. I am grateful. Our future is definitely more secure than it was before when I had to go begging every month for help to pay my rent and utilities.
I don’t count on having a cost-of-living raise each year, although it would certainly help. My MedAdvantage premiums went from $100 per month in 2009 to $164 in 2010. Plus, the coverage of various procedures went down, so my out-of-pocket expenses went up as well.
Now, the commission is proposing additional cuts to Medicare. How much more is my limited budget expected to stretch? I don’t think the commission takes people like me into consideration. We are the people it will affect, not those who have had the ability to save up more. When I was working I made barely enough to feed and clothe my children and myself. There was no money to put into a 401k or other retirement program. You don’t do that on $15/hour, no benefits, and two children. Now I am unable to work and I depend on Social Security and Medicare. The changes you are proposing are going to make some serious problems for me.
You know, there are a lot more 'little people' like me than the others. The only difference is that we have less of a voice than the rest. This is not fair. Please reconsider your decisions.