Defense spending should be cut and relentlessly scrutinized hence forth. Any waste must be squeezed out. Having made that observation, I find your reflexive defense of SS misguided. Funding for SS comes out of the pockets of every working person. 84% of federal tax and even more of SS related taxes are supplied by taxpayers from blue states. Nancy Pelosi immediately panned SS related proposals from the debt commission. Pelosi's reaction shows the blindness of our democratic party leaders. The fact is that 90% of SS recipients live in red states and vote for republicans. Pelosi's correct action should be to band with incoming tea party republicans to push the bubble on spending. Pelosi should fight to reduce federal subsidies to states and push to have states keep 45% more of federal income taxes paid by their citizens. What the tax changes would lead to is blue states like New York, California, Michigan, Illinois, Massachusetts, et al will have money to pay for initiatives like green energy, social programs for their citizens, K12 and college level education, road and bridge building and repair. Tax changes of the type proposed will result in red state politicians like Haley Barbour, Imhofe, Sessions standing before their angry citizens to try to explain that blue states have supported red state citizen's living standards for decades. Pelosi pushing to prevent well thought-out adjustments to SS will bail out extreme right wing politicians across the south and interior west and will only hasten the day when a democrat will not get elected anywhere. If Pelosi thinks that Californians are happy about 46% of their federal tax dollars being sent to red states, she is wrong. Pelosi's blindness cost democrats on November 2 and will cost democrats more damage if Pelosi is re-elected minority leader over wiser democratic politicians like Marcy Kaptur of Ohio. The Ohio Congresswoman is open to working with tea partiers in situations on issues like job security and removal of wasteful spending. Pelosi and Harry Reid should look upon activities of anti-tax, anti-spending tea partiers to remove spending set asides that politicians like Imhofe and Sessions are fighting for. Californians and Nevadans are tax donors, the states that Imhofe and Sessions represent are enormous tax beggars. Removal of set asides cuts off the head of the extreme right wing snake and forces red state citizens to realize how much more effective blue state governance is than their own.