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A new James O'Keefe hit - against the NJ teachers' union

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 08:28 AM
Original message
A new James O'Keefe hit - against the NJ teachers' union

In an interview, O'Keefe said he recruited a number of "citizen journalists" to hang out in the hotel and record conversations with teachers. He also acknowledged that the "citizen journalists" played critical acting roles.
Steve Baker, a spokesman for the New Jersey Education Association, who is briefly seen twice on the video, said it is not an accurate depiction of what occurred at the conference.

"It's impossible to know where he got this, where he twisted it from," Baker said. "There's a lot of audio, no video, and you don't know where the audio is from. The whole thing is a complete fabrication, built on lies."

Given that he has now been caught - not just once, but three times - in the act of creating misleading video (or trying to set it up), shouldn't anything he does be taken with a grain of salt. Not to mention, he was on probation after the Louisiana escapade - why has he not been charged on the scary CNN stuff?

The real question is whether it was his "citizen journalists" (who are more accurately agent provocateurs) who led those cheers. The lack of video suggests that to me - in fact, the lack of video means those segments could have been captured in O'Keefe's basement!

What is really scary is that teachers are real people to everyone. Who doesn't have a relative or friend who is a teacher? This was designed as an attack on the union, but it hits the teachers.

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Mimosa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 08:35 AM
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1. O'Keefes a completely discredited conman. n/t
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 08:38 AM
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2. If his "teachers" are as painfully obvious as his "hos" were, It might be funny--EXCEPT the enabling
m$m will lap it up like milk and not for laughs.
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