John Stewart: Keith…was like a voice in the wilderness…Then you came along, then Ed (Schultz)…I’m talking about weather versus climate…
Rachel Maddow: When Keith spoke out the way he did,
he essentially came out of the closet as a liberal, and nothing bad happened. I think it gave network executives some courage…
Stewart: …(C)ourage? I think what they did was went, “Why is Fox News kicking our asses? We need to fight this with (something) similar (or) more sensational"…This is an arms race.
Maddow: ...That never happens. What happens is, “Look, Keith’s making money — how can we do more of
Stewart: ...I don’t think you can separate the atmosphere at Fox and think that network executives don’t look at that. Nothing succeeds like excess.
link Sorry, but
neither of you have it exactly right.
On August 30, 2006,
Keith "came out" as a REAL journalist doing his proper job of projecting the entire spectrum of an issue rather than stenographically marketing the Bush regime line. If he came across as a voice in the wilderness, it was because his comment's roots in reality (as opposed to mere "liberalism") was such a salve against the poisonous media atmosphere the Rethugs had created.
I was aware of Keith's strong following on DU, but it was only curiosity about his so-called "special comment" that made me watch him for the first time. His ratings rose 76% that week, and I've been a regular ever since. He STARTED making money for MSNBC when he STARTED kicking Fox News' asses--THAT'S how Rachel and Ed got in the door!