I knew in junior high. Hell, I probably WAS one of those kids. Not necessarily one of the popular kids. But one day, after he/she had saved enough, they ran to the mall.
Proper Angels Flight pants...check Members Only jacket...check Black Ray-Ban Wayfarers...check Vans slip-ons...check
The kid goes to school the next day, wearing the accouterments exactly the way the "cool kids" do. He wants acceptance. Does he get it? No. The so-called "cool kids" laugh him out of the cafeteria.
Where did he go wrong? He had everything he was supposed to...but the problem? He was "trying too hard".
Jon Stewart is "trying too hard" to be that calm, smooth, reasonable, soothing voice of "reason" and "sanity". He spoke a lot of the Tea Pariers "truth"/"their truth"/"truth as they see it". Assuming a world where everyone's self-perceived "truths" are reasonable and based on fact.
In reality, we know that if someone holds forth that 2+2=eleventy billion, there is no reason why we must believe right along with them that this is a reasonable "truth", or that it's equally valid to the answer our calculator gives us.
Jon, you're "trying too hard". You're trying so hard to be The Reasonable Guy(tm), to appeal to the "eleventy-billioners" that you fall into the same mick moral equivalency trap that the right is trying to drag us into.
Sorry, Jon...I'm not buying what you're selling.