I think we are really missing something important in this Beck discussion. People that accuse you of things do it generally because they have done it themselves. Or, more sinister, because their intentions are pure evil. There is revisionist history going on here--what could be the motive? To make Hitler seem "not so bad" if the Jews could gas their own. Is this NOT the core of what allowed the Holocaust in the first place? The creation of a Great White Society? The REAL puppetmasters want nothing more than for White people to hate Black people and hate Mexicans and hate Muslims. At the end of the day, who will be left for us to hate? Who are we saving to hate for last? My best guess is that it will be the ones that our jobs REALLY go to. The Asians. When the populace from Dumbfuckistan realizes that they have obliterated jobs for Mexicans and Black folks and GBLT...but there STILL aren't any to be had--it will be too late. For fuck sakes Jethro--pick up a history book and realize YOU are the brownshirt.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist. (I point them out every chance I get!)
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. (Actually I just helped do away with the Unions--the puppetmaster convinced me that good jobs with good wages with good benefits was a bad thing!)
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew. (I actually just use the Jew interchangeably...anyone that thinks differently than I do--Liberals, Gays, Mexicans...etc)
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. (What the fuck just happened?? I did EVERYTHING that Glenn Beck told me to!)
And so it goes. Again Jethro, I implore you. PICK UP A FUCKING HISTORY BOOK! Sooner than later.