Edited on Fri Nov-12-10 11:03 PM by Horse with no Name
Oh yeah. There really isn't any way around the fact that Obama's ass is over a barrel. However...in the end, we're going to end up giving the rich toddler brats their toy cars (Bentleys, Rolls, Mercedes)...and in return we will get ours (Pintos, Yugos, etc) and we will be told to be happy--there is a shortage on ponies, you know. And the republicans will take credit for "fixing things". As soon as the republicans decide that they have gained enough momentum with that one, they already have the next floater swirling the toilet. I've heard a few complaints about it so far, but by the time the republicans decide to put it in their spin cycle--coverage will certainly ramp up. Health insurance. Forget the fact that the health insurance companies spent MILLIONS each DAY to prevent Americans from getting healthcare coverage. Who didn't know that they would get every dime back--in spades? Who didn't know that they would use it as a weapon against the Democrats? Because the people that I have talked to simply don't believe this. They believe that OBAMACARE has corrupted "healthcare as we know it". Never mind the majority isn't into effect yet. Never mind the facts--just the spin cycle. My old employers plan is horrible! It resembles more a healthcare spending account than it does insurance. One illness would put them in bankruptcy. Then, to make things even better, the cost went UP 35%. Let me edit to add that is LIMITS which docs they can use...thereby "choosing their doctors". And it is ALL because of that damned Obamacare. Help us all.:puke: