Some demand it in exchange for something when they have not earned it. To them it is a commodity, they deny you something if you do not show them respect, and take a little of you if you choose to respect them. Monarchs are an example of that, as are some authoritative structures. Many times people confuse respect for submission to something for some concept of a reward.
Then there are many people that earn respect, and never do anything for you, or to help you, but you respect them for how they choose to live, because it isn't about you.
Your respect is something you completely own yourself, I try not to sell it for some reward, I don't think real respect can be bought.
Here is an example outside of linear thought in the supernatural. It is impossible to respect something that would wrongly allow you to unjustly 'burn'. And anything that has that decision also has the power to stop it or teach in a way to avoid that. Therefore you can never end up in hell by something that deserves devotion, since if it allowed you after life to be there, then it did not, outside of temporal thought, earn your devotion during life, making it impossible to correctly devote yourself to anything of destruction of soul.
It is a simple fact, the threat of damnation is more for social control then real, it can not be real in any system deserving of devotion, so it must either be an exaggeration for social control, or from something you should not respect or give any devotion to. Also why the comment, to save the world, not to destroy it, means so much to me.
It makes sense.
Hence why I like Why Worry.