Sunday, November 14, 2010 • 11am – 4pm
University of Toledo, Scott Park Campus
Toledo, OH
“We know it’s pretty hard to support a family and everything
on a $15-an-hour wage, but we also know that we have to keep
General Motors and Ford and Chrysler competitive.”
—Bob King, as quoted in Oct. 31, 2010 Detroit News/Free Press
What We Want:
We want to organize to put pressure on the corporations and
the union leadership for the 2011 Contract Negotiations as well as
continue to support Local 23 (Indianapolis GM Metal Fab) and
Local 5960 (GM Lake Orion) members.
Working Agenda:
Welcome, introductions and updates on Local 23 and Local 5960. Reports from autoworkers at Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, GM, parts plants & retirees.
12-12:45--Lunch in Lobby (will provide lunch & ask for a donation)
Break down into groups by work groups to discuss how to build an effective fight against concessions. What resolutions can we introduce to develop a discussion in our locals? At the March Bargaining Convention? How can we prepare for 2011 contract negotiations?
2:15-3:15—Plenary: Developing Campaigns
A representative from each workshop will give a 3-min. summary of workshop followed by general discussion. What’s our plan regarding submitting resolutions to the March Bargaining Committee? Are there some campaigns we could undertake? A couple of examples: the right to read/discuss the contract; organizing to make sure the vote is accurately conducted and reported?
3:15-4—Upcoming events:
Organizing an informational picket at the 2011 Auto Show; report on upcoming School of the Americas action
Email Dianne Feeley at by noon Saturday, November 13 to let us know you are attending.
Sponsors: Autoworkers Caravan, Coalition of Concerned Citizens, Factory Rat & Warriors of Labor
If you have resolutions you’d like to see discussed at the Nov. 14th conference, email them to Wendy Thompson at by noon Saturday November 13.
We will distribute them to all via email beforehand and have them available at the conference. These might include the right to read/discuss the contract before vote, restoration of COLA diversions, opposition to 2-tier & whipsawing, reclaim the right to strike, restore retiree health care & COLA, reverse consolidation of trades, keep plants scheduled to close open and open underutilized/closed plants for reconversion to green jobs at traditional pay — a real moratorium on plant closings!
labor donated