Americans are using the voting booth to express anger and frustration toward our government, our eroding economy and the politicians who no longer seem to care about "We The People".
In 1994, Republicans swept Congressional elections--as angry voters demanded change. In 1996, Bill Clinton was elected, in part, because that '94 Gingrich revolution fell flat, was extremist and changed nothing. Republicans claimed the White House in 2000 with Bush, fueled by the backlash against President Clinton. In 2002 and and 2006 Democrats gained House and Senate seats due to frustration with the Bush Administration.
And in 2008, Obama won because people were hungry for"change"--which was a direct slam against the previous eight years of Republican rule.
How many election cycles will this back-and-forth continue before Americans realize that Democrats and Republicans can't and won't solve our problems due to overwhelming and systemic corruption?
Most Democrats and Republicans have accepted piles of cash from corporations who demand legislation, deregulation and bailouts. Despite the harm all of this does to the American public, our politicians--who are supposed to serve us, serve only their corporate masters. Unless of course, it's election time and they must feign interest in us to snag votes.
Glasses are clinked at DC cocktail parties--with Democrats and Republicans guffawing at the massive amounts of power and money our politicians and corporations have helped each other glean--by using our government as their own personal slot machine.
America has a health-care system that is run by profit-mongering insurance companies--AFTER passing a health care bill. America has a paradigm-shifting oil disaster that will continue to ravage the Gulf of Mexico and its people--with little or no consequences for BP. America has a pharmaceutical industry that is allowed to peddle drugs that knowingly kill people and cause side effects that are often worse than the original condition for which the drugs are intended. America has an imploded housing industry and decimated economy--due to a deregulated banking industry that was allowed to operated like a financial wild west. America was forced to pay billions for that deregulation, in the form of bailouts--because our politicians are in bed with Wall Street.
How many elections?
How many elections will we volley power back-and-forth in an abusive cycle that preserves political corruption--that is iteratively destroying our country, our democracy and the lives of the American people?