Beck is a fascist with a deep-seated hatred for President Obama, women, minorities, progressives, unions, the sick and the poor. Beck is perverting the Constitution and fundamentally transforming America into a theocracy so he and his plutocrat comrades can take away our freedoms in direct conflict with the intent of the Founders. Using the time-tested right-wing tactics of hate speech, bogus conspiracy theories and dehumanization of “the enemy”, Beck is building an army of angry, violent thugs who will use “Second Amendment” remedies outside the democratic process to disregard the will of the people and force their oppressive, extremist agenda down our throats. Beck is using Hitler's tactic of "the Big Lie" to vilify progressives (SEE QUOTES BELOW). He is working together with others to corrupt the Supreme Court, outsource good American jobs and subvert democratic elections with a flood of dirty money from ultra-wealthy individuals and the multi-national corporate elite. The result will be a one-world-government of plutocrats, the destruction of the middle class and a massive, permanent, uneducated underclass who will be locked in poverty without rights, slaves to the oligarchs and cannon fodder for the military-industrial complex. This is political eugenics at its worst, the determination by these evil tyrants that the lives of millions of human beings are worthless and expendable. Beck and his cohorts are poised for a “Reichstag moment” which they will use to fully collapse the system (disaster capitalism), destroy the Constitution and replace America as we know it with their fascist utopia. All the while they pretend to be patriotic men of God in order to hide their true motives and purpose from the American people.
Everything Beck claims that President Obama and progressives are doing, Beck is actually doing in combination with other powerful, wealthy elites. He uses this projection tactic to avoid detection and accountability. Wake up, America, before it's too late and we are all ofGlenn.