The Republicans and public need to be reminded that the original BOSTON TEA PARTY would have nothing in common with today's Republican financed and bred Tea Party movement.
Republicans are the "Party of No" because they adore the status quo. They prefer things secure, warm and fuzzy even if it equates to a loss of liberty. They are always well entrenched with the rich and with royalty. They represent the antithesis of a Thomas Paine America and the real TEA PARTY movement. That movement of 1774 that took place at Boston harbor would have nothing to do with them today.
Our US history wouldn't exist as it does if it depended upon the action of Tory / Loyalists / Republicans. Before the formation of our nation and last half of the 1700s prior to the American Revolution the Tories were considered the conservative Republicans of today. They were the loyalists. They adored the King of England and the status quo. Had American depended upon the gutless conservatives for action we would still be flying the Union Jack. Republicans have always demanded security for the royalty (King) over liberty for the people. It is in their creed and DNA.
Those self proclaimed patriots on talk radio need to be reminded of this fact of history, and that had the Tories been in charge the USA would remain a colony of England and the real Boston Tea Party people tarred and feathered.
Don't take my word for it - investigate the Tories and Loyalists and the American Revolution for yourself.