The short list of those in serious trouble right now appear to be Greece, Italy, Japan, Ireland and Portugal. The following I don't know the state of these but at least according to WikiPedia they also have austerity programs in place or are being put in place: Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain and the UK. I've been reading more and more articles on DU about the UK's austerity cuts and they seem pretty severe.
Oh, and the United States. Sort of. I don't know if we're going through an austerity program or if it's an attack by the Right on social programs and public schools labeled as one.
Reality has caught up with all of those countries listed above but while things are bad here it seems as though we're maybe pretending this "reset" doesn't have to happen for us. Certainly our military spending seems wildly out of control, as usual. The Fed is purchasing $600 Billion in U.S. Treasury bonds. That doesn't strike me as "going into rehab" yet.
When do we get notified it's our turn at the gallows or will that only happen after the floor's dropped out? Yes, it can drop out more than it has.