The CATO Institute Finds That The Fed Must Be AbolishedTyler Durden
Zero HedgeNovember 13, 2010
A must read paper from George Selgin and the Cato Institute, which confirms what Zero Hedge has been saying since inception: the Fed must be abolished immediately:
"The Federal Reserve System has not lived up to its original promise. Early in its career, it presided over both the most severe inflation and the most severe (demand-induced) deflations in post-Civil War U.S. history. Since then, it has tended to err on the side of inflation, allowing the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar to deteriorate considerably.
That deterioration has not been compensated for, to any substantial degree, by enhanced stability of real output... A genuine improvement did occur during the sub-period known as the "Great Moderation." But that improvement, besides having been temporary, appears to have been due mainly to factors other than improved monetary policy.
Finally, the Fed cannot be credited with having reduced the frequency of banking panics or with having wielded its last-resort lending powers responsibly. Its record strongly suggests that the Federal Reserve‘s problems go well beyond those of having lacked good administrators. Although it has manifested itself in different ways during different decades, the Fed‘s failure has been chronic.
The problems appear to reside with the institution, and not with particular personalities who have been placed in charge of it. Hence the record would not be likely to improve substantially even with complete turnover in the Board of Governors. The only real hope for a better monetary system lies in regime change." “No major institution in the U.S. has so poor a record of performance over so long a period, yet so high a public reputation.” Milton Friedman (1988).
Ending the Fed is the only hope America now has. The outcome will be painful, but it will be surmountable. The alternative is the unquestionable end of America's status as a superpower.
Has the Fed been a Failure? PDFMichael Panzner at
Financial Armageddon:
Amid the economic wreckage that surrounds us, sometimes all you can do is laugh. In fact, I was nearly crying with laughter while watching "Quantitative Easing Explained," a devastating (but very funny) YouTube video cartoon smackdown (by Omid Malekan) of the Federal Reserve and its dangerously misguided efforts to get the economy moving again. Here are two brief snippets:
Woman: So, why do they call it the "quantitative easing"? Why don't they just call it printing money?
Man: Because the printing money is the last refuge of failed economic empires and banana republics, and the Fed doesn't want to admit this is their only idea.
Woman: Who put the Ben Bernanke in charge?
Man: The Ben Bernanke was first appointed by the President Bush, then he was reappointed by the President Obama.
Woman: But wasn't the President Obama supposed to bring the change?
Man: Yes.
Woman: How has putting in charge the same fool who has been wrong about everything "the change"?
Man: Well, under the President Bush, the Ben Bernanke only blew up the American economy. Under the President Obama, he is working on blowing up the entire global economy.
Woman: That does not sound like the change we can believe in.
Man: Definitely not.
Admittedly, the dialog loses a bit of its hilariously sardonic edge when translated into written form, which is why I'd advise you to watch the video:
Quantitative Easing Explained--YouTube (6:48)
Hat tip to Jane Hamsher at FDL
for pulling out this portion:
Partial transcript of cartoon dialog:
BEAR I (Woman): How does the Fed execute the quantitative easing?
BEAR II (Man): They buy the Treasury bonds.
BEAR I: (Woman) Do they buy the Treasury bonds from the Treasury Department?
BEAR II: (Man) No they buy the Treasury bonds from the Goldman Sachs.
BEAR I: (Woman) You must be shitting me.
BEAR II: (Man) No.
BEAR I: (Woman) So let me get this straight. If I want to buy the Treasury bonds, with my money, I can buy them directly from the Treasury?
BEAR II: (Man) Yes.
BEAR I: (Woman) And if you want to buy the Treasury bonds, with your own money, you can buy them from the Treasury?
BEAR II: (Man) Yes.
BEAR I: (Woman) But if the Ben Bernanke wants to buy the Treasury bonds, using the American people’s money, he does not buy them from the Treasury, he buys them from the Goldman Sachs?
BEAR II: (Man) Exactly.
BEAR I: (Woman) And does the Goldman Sachs give him a good price?
BEAR II: (Man) Of course not, they are the Goldman Sachs, they make their living ripping off the American people.
BEAR I: (Woman) But how is the Goldman Sachs able to do this?
BEAR II: (Man) The Fed announces when it is going to buy, and what it is going to buy, before it does the trade.
BEAR I: (Woman) So the Goldman Sachs can front-run the Fed, and give them the worst possible price on the Treasury bonds?
BEAR II: (Man) Yes, exactly.
BEAR I: (Woman) And the Fed is okay with this blatant theft from the American people?
BEAR II: (Man) Of course, otherwise the Fed would just buy the Treasury bonds directly from the Treasury Department.
BEAR I: (Woman) Who inside the Fed is responsible for the buying of the Treasury bonds?
BEAR II: (Man) The buying of the Treasury bonds is conducted by the New York branch of the Federal Reserve.
BEAR I: (Woman) And who is in charge of the New York branch?
BEAR II: (Man) The head of the New York branch is the William Dudley.
BEAR I: (Woman) And what did the William Dudley do before running the New York Fed?
BEAR II: (Man) Before running the New York Fed, the William Dudley was a partner at the Goldman Sachs.
BEAR I: (Woman) So the guy in charge the American people’s money when dealing with the Goldman Sachs used to be a partner at the Goldman Sachs?
BEAR II: (Man) Yes.
BEAR I: (Woman) And nobody has a problem with this?
BEAR II: (Man) Apparently not.
BEAR I: (Woman) Is this an episode of the Twilight Zone?
The lies that have been perpetrated on the American people are very soon crashing down, and it will be catastrophic. It's past the point of no return.
The pale glimmer (right now) of good news is, the crash is what has to happen before we can finally obliterate these lies, their perpetrators and their deeply corrosive effects on our nation, once and for all.
Only then can we go about the herculean task of rebuilding our country.
And this time, it will be of the people, by the people and for the people.