I thought the "Rally to Restore Sanity", was a great disappointment. It was, because it was so uninspiring compared to the regular Daily Shows and Colbert Report, you would think that awed by their surroundings, they suddenly lost their nerves, and ended up with a lame call for "civility" after a lot of music and clownish skits. They wasted 200,000 people waiting to hear the wit, the precision, the positive and creative elements that make TDS and CR so comforting. There was no comfort in that rally, except the wonderfully huge crowd.
It would seem that President Obama, in awe of his surroundings, also lost his nerve. There is not a day where he doesn't give in to something to appease somebody or other. His foreign policy is Bush's and not even Bush lite. Just Bush, with less of the stupid rhetoric, which makes it even worse in my view. His domestic policy is that of a battered wife who still tries to appease her husband. The speech he gave after the midterms was pathetic. "I took a shellacking", he said. No, Mr. Obama, you did not take any shellacking. We did. We did, because you never took a stand on anything. BushCo has wrecked the moral fiber of this Country, a dying Empire in need of euthanasia. It is your job to at least restore the moral standing of a country whose philosophical ideals contributed to an increase of fairness in government around the world. It is your job to stand for something.
If he doesn't take a stand, he is handing the country to corporate fascism. I believe in his good intentions, I don't think he is corrupt, but if he doesn't wake up, it is a long dark road ahead.
Civility can be maintained, kindness and openness can still exist, while the man who used to be called "the Leader of the Free World" (funny how that term has disappeared lately!) takes a firm stand. There are no "two sides" in trying to bring Peace through not waging war, and in economics, when the ones who just regained power are the ones who "drove the car into the ditch", the road to take is clear. Maybe Mr. Obama doesn't believe in the values he spoke about in the campaign, and which made us vote for him. Only the future will tell....