well here is a thought, as we listened to the EL Al expert on the Ratygan show... (and for good reasons he just scratched the surface)
Well I fly to Mexico City every so often. So here I am subjected to the theater we are all subjected to... now in Mexico before you actually board a plane... and you already went though one checkpoint with X-Rays, they do a MANUAL search of all passenger's carry on bagage. After the Christmas Undie they also started doing the agressive patdowns... (which I am sure were required by US authorities)
Now here is the deal... why are they doing this ahem extra manual check? They are fully aware that the X-Ray machine is all but reliable for certain things. I am also positive they have found stuff. No, they have not fully scaled the El Al system in the airport, I suspect due to the American flying public, but both where you can see it, and where you can't they have done quite a bit of that system. I wish they went all the way, as is security down there has always been much better than our security theater... but that is not hard.
IMHO this is really about KEEPING YOU afraid and complaint... why we do not really do silly shit that are personnel intensive, and not technology intensive. It is also a pointer to the massive corruption we have in this country.
But that is my opinion... and next will come INTERNAL passports if this is not pushed back.
And no, I am not against security... but most real security is all but obvious and you need to know what you are looking at to even notice. And it is proactive not reactive and yes... personnel intensive.
Oh and remember the moms being forced to drink their own baby's milk? That was about fear, not security.
So are these things...
Now psychological profiling is that much more effective, and i am not talking about racial profiling either.