And yet he garnered a lot of votes in two elections with opponents who were obviously far more intellectual than he was. I know that his first victory may not have been an actual win, but the fact remains that the election was extremely close.
Voters don't always vote for the smartest candidate. Obama is very intelligent and intellectual but he couples this with a likable personality. If he would have just been an aloof intellectual, McCain might have done better. Of course, with the economy in free fall because of the policies of G.W. Bush, McCain had no real chance of winning.
The media may try to make Sarah Palin into a good candidate because their bottom line is profit. A race between Obama and Palin could be a bonanza for the profits of the news media, especially the 24/7 cable news outlets. A race between Mitt Romney and Obama might be a real snoozer.
What the news media would probably love to see is a race between Obama and Hillary for the Democratic candidacy and the victor of that race going up against Sarah Palin.
Fox News would try to make Palin look good and a conservative savior similar to Ronald Reagan, They would paint Obama as incompetent and a socialist determined to destroy our form of government. Having biased but competent management, Fox would win the ratings race. Glenn Beck would spend weeks tying George Soros to Obama and drawing numerous incomprehensible diagrams on his black boards. He would climax with a conspiracy theory linking Obama and Soros to the Mayan Doomsday Prophecies and aliens from space.
MSNBC would ridicule Sarah Palin as a quitter and an intellectual light weight and Obama as an individual who could really make a difference if he only had four more years. Along the way they would fire KO for violating some incomprehensible rule.
CNN would try to be balanced and would merely flounder around like a headless chicken.