The week REALLY started poorly for Joey Scar's vaunted week of discussing green energy. Lemieux is a RW a-hole from Florida who was on the panel while Tom was laying out the absolutely essential case for action NOW to develop green energy. Lemieux said "You didn't talk about nuclear power." Tom said he didn't rule it out but did point out how horribly EXPENSIVE it is to build ONE new nuclear power plant and how it would take years to get up and running. Lemieux was effectively silenced as were Joe and Mika...ruh, roh, I thought, that was the wrong thing to bring up during a program where most of the time is spent railing against big government SPENDING!
Joe's week got off to a bad start, augmented today by a billionaire entrepreneur who laughed in Joe's face over the ridiculous notion that the top 2% "need" a tax break!
I LOVE it when the emperor is revealed to have no clothes on...