from the Orlando Sentinel:
It's no secret that caffeine boosts mental performance. It keeps attention focused and elevates mood. Studies conducted by the military show that it improves reaction time, vigilance, and logical reasoning, especially when you're tired. Neuroscientists attribute caffeine's effect on alertness to its ability to bind to adenosine receptors and to stimulate dopamine release.
But there's much more to coffee than caffeine. Researchers have found that coffee boosts a sense of well-being independent of its caffeine content, and that there are many other pharmacologically active substances in the brew.
Coffee is the number one source of cell-protecting antioxidants in the U.S. diet. Green coffee beans contain about a thousand antioxidants; roasting adds some 300 more, most of them unique to coffee. Many of the compounds have biological effects, from minimizing inflammation to favorably affecting glucose metabolism.
The health effects of antioxidants cover a broad range, as oxidation is a major factor in brain aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other diseases. Coffee compounds also deter Parkinson's disease and offset Alzheimer's disease. .........(more)
The complete piece is at: