GOP lawmaker holding 2 million unemployed hostage on behalf of richest 2%
by Joan McCarter
Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 12:40:04 PM PST
If this isn't class warfare, I don't know what is. A senior Republican in the House of Representatives said he could back extending jobless benefits, favored by Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in exchange for an extension of all Bush-era tax cuts, including for the wealthiest groups.
"What we're going to do is sit down and talk with Mrs. Pelosi," Representative Pete Sessions, a Republican in leadership, told Reuters as he left a meeting of House Republicans. "I see nothing wrong with her winning as long as the American people do."
In other words, give the rich a tax break, or the two million people who will lose their benefits by the end of December are out on the street. Oh, and happy holidays.