First let me say welcome to Congress!
Then let me apologize profusely for the hardship you are experiencing. I understand first hand how difficult it is to live for a month without health care. My family and I have been living without for almost 10 years now. Which is a mighty feat considering I have a child with Autism and a child with MD. But we aren't here to talk about my difficulties, we are here to talk about your free socialized medicine that you are going to have to suffer through an endless 30 day wait for.
Let me give you some hints on how to deal with this terrible situation you have been put in. Here's what my family has been doing for years. If you get sick. Deal with it. Pray, it's just a cold or a minor version of the flu, that seems to work pretty good. Now if you are really sick and afraid something is really wrong you can go to the Emergency Room. We have done this before as well. Sure it cost me 10 thousand dollars for 4 hours in the emergency room to find out the chest pains my wife was experiencing was just bad gas but hey better safe then sorry right? And at 10 grand a pop hell I can do this at least once every 10 years. Now if you are like me and have children with illnesses well, for MD you can get free care from the MD association, unlike your Republican pals, they treat everyone the same, money or not. . For Autism, well, deal with it. Not much else you can do when you have no insurance.
Now before I go just let me ask that seeing as you have actually stood up and demanded your socialized medicine, that you will work with other Republicans to get rid of Obama's HCR bill so you can reform it to make sure we are all covered just as well as you are. That's correct right? You demanded your socialized medicine now and since you are so adamant about it I have to assume that you expect those same rights for each and every American. So let me thank you in advance for all the work you are going to do on behalf of people like me. And in case you haven't studied up on it check out the Medicare buy-in plan. That will allow those other fools who unlike us hate socialized medicine to keep their insurance and you and I can enjoy the benefits of a government the well and truly cares for the people it serves.
Thank You.