Right Wing Watch: "The Ten Scariest Republicans Heading to Congress"
http://www.rightwingwatch.org/category/subjects/-ten-scariest-republicans-heading-congresshttp://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/meet-congressman-elect-tom-marino-study-corruptionIn 2007, Tom Marino resigned from his position as US Attorney in Pennsylvania after a corruption scandal clouded his career and raised questions about his honesty. Marino had used his official title as US Attorney to provide a reference in 2005 to his “close friend,” convicted felon Louis DeNaples, who was trying to win the state gaming commission’s approval to open slot machines at a resort he owned. When his office began an investigation into DeNaples for lying about his ties to organized crime, Marino's assistants uncovered his reference and notified the Justice Department, which transferred the investigation out of Marino’s office. But questions about Marino’s ties to DeNaples remained.
When the Justice Department launched an investigation into Marino’s actions, he resigned and promptly took a $250,000-a-year job as “DeNaples’ in-house lawyer.” Marino later under-reported his income on his financial disclosure forms, reporting that he only received $25,000 from DeNaples. Even Zack Oldham of the conservative blog RedState said of Marino’s actions: “The reality is just as bad as–if not worse than–the optics of this scandal.”
The DeNaples affair wasn’t even the first time Marino had run into corruption accusations. When Marino was District Attorney in Lycoming County, he tried to get a friend out of a drug charge by going behind the back of the county judge who had refused to toss out his friend’s conviction. According to the Luzeme County Citizens Voice, Marino “approached another judge and won the expungement, but the plan backfired when the second judge learned of the first judge's involvement in the case.”
Marino continued to struggle with the truth in his campaign for Congress. He criticized his opponent, Rep. Chris Carney, for leaving Washington as an anti-abortion rights bill was being circulated during the health care reform debate. Carney was not in Washington at the time because his wife was undergoing surgery for breast cancer.
Marino Caught Lying
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzF5pg3IkYw MUCH more at the link including links to sources:
http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/meet-congressman-elect-tom-marino-study-corruptionRight Wing Watch: "The Ten Scariest Republicans Heading to Congress"
http://www.rightwingwatch.org/category/subjects/-ten-scariest-republicans-heading-congressTom Marino's Free Pass
Can reported ethics shenanigans and alleged mob ties keep a GOPer out of Congress? Fuggedaboutit.