Remember during the primaries President Obama was against mandates and all the younguns liked Obama cause he wouldn't force them to buy insurance.
Well, they got the mandate any how and they don't seem to mind. And some of us wouldn't have minded except there was no PO.
All these healthy people who probably need health insuance the least will have to buy it. Except the thing is, is these young twenty somethings aren't the ones who will have to pay for it. Their parents will pay for it.
Now don't get me wrong, I like that they can stay on their parents plan, as I have a teenager ready to go off to college or not, pretty soon and I want him covered. The job market sucks and that's how people get insurance in America, through their jobs.
Then, when I saw that video of those half naked young college kids telling republicans to keep their hands off THEIR health insurace, I had to chuckle. Whose health insurance is it exactly?
Now, I just wish these younguns would help out their parents and grandparents and themselves and support social security 100%. Instead they are buying into the mantra about how it won't be there for them and why should they have to pay. I wonder how they would feel if their parents treated them the same way? What I hope they realize is that the only way it won't be there for them, is if buy into that bullshit and sell their parents down the river.