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Canadian and other Non- Americans DUers: What are your airport screens like?

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redirish28 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:07 PM
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Canadian and other Non- Americans DUers: What are your airport screens like?
Edited on Tue Nov-16-10 08:09 PM by redirish28
Has America gone extreme or is it as bad in other countries?
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Posteritatis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. Canadian ones try to be as stupid as American ones
We have that asinine rule about amount of fluids/gels, I got the third degree from airport security for wearing boots (in January, with a meter of snow on the ground outside), stuff like that. Especially with Harper, whose chief goal is to emulate the US in every way, we have a tendency to immediately adopt whatever ridiculous new trend the US has in those terms.
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:17 PM
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2. It is not really extreamism it is calculated.
Edited on Tue Nov-16-10 08:25 PM by RandomThoughts
On the first level people don't realize that having pat downs and intrusive actions like that is actually worse then an occasional bad thing.

Sometimes bad things happen, and those that want security over freedom deserve neither.

If the people, and even the information systems had more perspective the concept of an occasional bad thing would not be that bad. As brutal as it sounds, a plane crashing once a year, is a very small thing, and not much in the totality of society. Sure such things should be avoided, but at what cost? And really does such things reduce the chances of a plane going down at all? Get some perspective. If someone says, a plane going down once in awhile is the cost of having a free society, what would you think of them? Although it really is true, and is shown with every freedom. The right to bear arms, is a freedom that cost some lives, the right to non self incrimination lets some criminals get away and hurt more people. The right to search and seizure only with warrants, lets some people get hurt, but freedom has a price.

Sometimes bad things happen, and you have to have the courage to know that and see it in perspective.

So that type of worry of total protection allows some in government to allow those policies.

But the reason those policies happen is because some that want to destroy government inside of some agencies and know it will turn people against government, the policy is not about air safety, but to show governmental overreach in peoples lives, to hurt the concept of having government.

It is overreach, and not only cowardly, but also stupid and wrong, and people are laughing at the TSA and the passengers for being dumb enough to not see why it was created, and being so cowardly that a person would allow someone to feel them up to remove some .000000000000001% chance of some bad thing happening.

Get some perspective.

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redirish28 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:26 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Interesting theory OR could it be the Government trying to dominate
the citizens to make more fearful. Ever since 9/11 we have allowed ourselves to be "Protected" out of common sense AND why isn't the government needs to know when and where we are going and WHY we are going unless they want to beable to control us better. Is this a way for government or let's face it corporate america to pull a 1984 and control ever step of our lives. What is next getting permission to go from one state to another?

Let face it We have one "Terrorist" attempt or attack where a person went from State A to do the crime in State B are than going to have to petition the state or fed government if we want to travel from one state to another?
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 01:42 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. They already can control some of that with economic preasures.
Edited on Wed Nov-17-10 01:48 AM by RandomThoughts
The control of travel like planes makes sense, since it makes things like segmentation of society, and seeing what other areas are like more difficult, making people more dependent on the tv and internet to think they know what is going on.

It really makes sense if you were running the numbers at some authoritative think tank. It also has the dual goal of making it look like government is bad, not the companies getting paid to irradiate citizens for fun and profit.

Although that assumes the 'pat down' story is true, haven't walked to the airport and looked to see if it is true.

heh, although obviously the airport would not be the best choice anyways, for anyone that saw 12 monkeys :D
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Lucy Goosey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:34 PM
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4. I don't have broad recent experience flying in other countries, but
I flew from Montréal to Casablanca in April (and back in May), and leaving Canada was pretty much the way it has always been - I put my stuff (including liquids) through the x-ray, and I walked through the metal detector without even being asked to take my shoes off.

To get on the plane in Morocco, travellers were split by sex into two lines, and I got a bit of a pat-down by a female officer, who seemed to be checking to make sure my breasts were made of...breast and not, say, of plastic explosives. She also quickly swept her hand over my, um, crotcheral region. Unexpected!
(Overheard from a British guy who had just been through the men's line: "That's the first time I've been told to cough in order to get through airport security." Hee!)

I'll be flying to Hawaii and back in January - woohoo! - it will be interesting to see if things have changed a lot by then - I last flew to the US about 18 months ago.
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Violet_Crumble Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-16-10 08:46 PM
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5. I've been frisked in Hong Kong and randomly wanded here in Australia
And then there was the cranky guy at Heathrow who was nasty at a bunch of us who were a bit too slow taking our shoes off before going through the security thingy...

When I was wanded, it was a domestic flight from Canberra to Sydney for work and it was really early in the morning, I was still half asleep and hadn't flown domestically before, so I didn't notice the Protective Services guy calling out to me until I was halfway up the escalator. I turned straight back and went down and was told by the guy that I was lucky because if we were in America the airport security folk would have shot me if I'd not been paying attention ;)
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HEyHEY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 01:53 AM
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7. I'd feel better if they changed the rubber gloves after each person, but whatever.
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JCMach1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 03:24 AM
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8. Not as extreme in most ways... the UAE relies a lot on technology
to detect stuff.

Europe and other places tend to rely on multiple xrays and some random searches.

What I hate is the enhanced searches that happen when I fly from the US. And yes, the US is the worst with the useless crap. They create stupid new rules instead of screening air cargo.
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