That must be where we're at, right?
There is just no other explanation for the cognitive dissonance and just utter nonsense that pervades our every waking hour these past few years. In no particular order, consider the following:
George W. Bush installed as President of the United States by a 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court after the recount was stopped in Florida. One of the five in the majority was Sandra Day O'Connor who had repeatedly expressed her fervent hope that Bush would win so she could retire under a Republican president.
After four crews of terrorists, mostly Saudis, hijacked airliners and crashed them into US landmark targets, killing over 3,000,--- we invaded Iraq. Number of Iraqi terrorists involve in 9-11? ZERO.
Weapons of Mass Destruction? NONE EVER FOUND---EVER---ANYWHERE---NOT ONE! Bush launched an unnecessary and unprovoked war, authorized torture, imprisoned US citizens for years without even charging them with an offense, read our mail and searched our homes without a warrant, and condoned branding anyone who opposed him as an "Osama lover" and---we re-elected him in 2004.
Sarah Palin, GOP vice presidential candidate in 2008, demonstrated early and often that she lacked the intelligence, experience and integrity to govern a small town. She has since quit her job as governor of Alaska in mid-term to make lots of money inflaming the ugliest prejudices and encouraging the basest instincts of the most reptilian segment of our society. Although no one with a conscience or an IQ above room temperature believes she is anything other than a rather disgusting clown, she is currently a favorite for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
Without one iota of corroboration or supporting evidence, the thinly-veiled racists calling themselves "Tea Party Patriots" (or whatever the hell they have chosen as their identity this week) are STILL insisting that President Obama is not a US citizen, was born in Kenya, was educated in a madrassa, is a muslim and hates white people(like his mother).
There is much more evidence that we currently reside in one of those quaint little cul de sacs Rod Serling described for us---and warned us about---but more examples are unnecessary. Where we are is not the issue.
Does this end in half an hour or do we have to DO something?