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Rally for the Truth and the Louisiana Coast

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
dana_b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 10:05 AM
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Rally for the Truth and the Louisiana Coast
This weekend the citizens of Louisiana and Gul Isle are looking to hold a rally to get what is still happening down there back in the consciousness of people.

Calendar: Gulf Coast Fund Events
Title: Rally for the Truth
When: Saturday, November 20, 2010 1:00 P - 7:00 P
Description: 1:00pm - 7:00pm - Rally for the Truth - Location: Pirate Island Daiquiris, LA Route 1, Grand Isle, LA - Rally against BP and government take over of our lives, heritage and coast! Enough is enough! Citizens of the gulf demand BP and our government put human life above profit - a fight for transparency, honesty, representation, and the right to clean air, water, and land for our future generations.

Other issues and probable BP coverups:

Disappeared Gulf 'Swan Doctor'
November 14th, 2010 1:38 am ET.World-renown doctor who owned Lakeland Veterinary Hospital and conducted research on paralyzed swans and dead birds since onset of the Gulf of Mexico operation has disappeared, just before due to release his research. Citizen reporters trying to locate him continue to be stonewalled, even someone who has known him for years who says his sudden absence is out of character.

A friends comment on Facebook:
"Taken my 9 year old Golden Retriever (Cajun) to the Vet in the moring.He has lost massive weight,Ands kidney's are shutting down and is going blind all in the last 6 weeks.Now we wonder if BP has taken his life to,He is a outside dog.I hope there is some thing we can do to save him (we bought him for Noah for his 1st Birthday.The pain on Noah's face and in his eyes knowing we may have to say Good Bye."

The well was only capped a week ago?!
Bob Cavnar: Five Questions With A Deepwater Horizon ExpertBy Richard Connelly, Fri., Nov. 12 2010 @ 10:40AM Categories: Environment
"What's one thing most people don't realize about what happened either in the event itself or dealing with the aftermath, and why is it important?
Even though the well has been off of the television for two months, the well was actually capped only 3 days ago. BP and the government never publicly disclosed the condition of the casing as they worked on it for two months.

Over 75 percent of the oil spewed into the Gulf never reached the surface. The estimate that it was "dispersed" or "dissipated" is unsupported by facts."

This video - 5 minutes in - listen to what is happening to this woman's health:
Hutchison Effect Cleans Gulf Waters

More on the illnesses that are affecting people:
Unprecedented use of dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico – a ‘draconian experiment’ making people sick
Dr. Riki Ott “The intentional release of dispersants was done without adequate scientific knowledge of impacts to the deep sea, open ocean, and coastal environments – or to people living or recreating at the coast. Thus, the release was the largest chemical experiment in history on a civilian population without their knowledge or consent – and the government was complicit in this draconian experiment.”

This is happening now to our fellow citizens and I know that people here are aware of issues and what is going on in the world however most people outside of the coast have forgotten about this. These are recent stories that should still be in the MSM.

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Poboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 10:27 AM
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1. K&R
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Poboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 12:14 PM
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2. .
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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 12:18 PM
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3. It's like the Gulf dropped off the face of the earth for all the news we get..
Thank you for sharing this news...even though it ain't good. I feel so bad for everyone suffering there.

So frustrating....what can we do??
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dana_b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 03:16 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. the only thing that I know to do is to
share the info that we get from those who live there. I have a friend on facebook who is wonderful about sharing all of this info. She lives near Galveston and hears about all of it before we do. I have tried to contact places like MSNBC but do not get a resonse on it. I guess it's "old news" now. Better to discuss the tea baggers and idiots in Washington who do nothing for the people who are suffering. Jaded? Bitter? Not ME!! :P
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