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Record spent on anti-Obama ads during midterms

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 02:58 PM
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Record spent on anti-Obama ads during midterms

By: CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Washington (CNN) - Republican candidates, party organizations, and independent groups spent just over $115 million during the midterm election campaign on televisions commercials critical of President Barack Obama.

According to a new analysis of TV ad spending for CNN by Campaign Media Analysis Group, the $115 million is a record for a midterm election cycle.

"The $115 million spent by Republicans on TV ads by candidates, groups and party on ads attacking President Obama in an effort to nationalize the 2010 vote represented more than half the total amount Obama spent on his own campaign ads to get elected in 2008," says Evan Tracey, CMAG's president and CNN's consultant on TV advertising.

The analysis indicates that the most money, $21 million, was spent in Florida, with two other swing states, Missouri and Pennsylvania, in the top five. That could spell a bit of trouble for Obama during the next battle for the White House.

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RUMMYisFROSTED Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 03:00 PM
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1. I love the smell of free speech.
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MrsCorleone Donating Member (844 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 03:03 PM
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2. They certainly got their money's worth in FL. nt
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veganlush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 03:27 PM
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3. as in "Animal Farm" where some are "more equal"
than others, so it is now thanks to the repugnant supreme court. Money is speech, so some people just have a lot more speech than other people do. First the RW supremes gave us W., and by extension 911 and the financial meltdown, now they've given us "Citizens United" which will serve as a likely unbeatable path to power for repugnants from here on out. This is why picking supreme court justices was so important at one time. (too late now, but we almost made it)
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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-17-10 08:57 PM
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4. kick n/t
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