If McCain flew commercially, would he have to submit to full pat down?
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Wed Nov-17-10 03:54 PM
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If McCain flew commercially, would he have to submit to full pat down? |
After all, he can't raise his arms up for the naked body scan. I'll just bet that any person of notoriety gets a milder form of the pat down than regular citizens. That's just my opinion. :shrug:
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Wed Nov-17-10 04:13 PM
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1. Good point. And didn't Boehner make a big deal out of saying he is going to fly commercial? |
That means some TSA agent will either be scanning or patting his..um...Boehner....
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Wed Nov-17-10 10:27 PM
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I'd pay money to see that. :blush:
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Wed Nov-17-10 10:29 PM
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lol, he does have a funny name.
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Wed Nov-17-10 10:31 PM
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4. If he can't get his hands up for the naked scanner |
then he'd have to be putted down.
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Thu Nov-18-10 09:56 AM
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5. The scanner and patdown won't get through that many layers of Depends. |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:39 AM
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